Transition Year students participate in the Royal College of Surgeons Mini-Med Lectures – National Careers Week 2017


Three Transition Year students, Lauren Mathews McGuinness, Holly Lambe Sally and Kerrie Gregory participated in the Royal College of Surgeons Mini-Med Lectures recently during National Careers Week 2017. Over the course of the week they tuned in to live lectures from the RCSI in Dublin. Each of the girls found an area of particular interest in the variety of lectures they heard during the week. The girls shared their views of the series of lectures:

“Deputy State Pathologist Dr Linda Mulligan’s lecture on Forensic Medicine was really interesting – I learned how cases were dealt with, which I really enjoyed.”

“Professor Jim Lucey’s lecture on Psychiatry really interested me because I am really interested in learning about the mind and how to help people with mental health problems.  Psychiatrists are interested in mind and body. There is no health without mental health. 75% of mental health problems emerge before the age of 25. The ‘Advanced trauma life support’ highlighted the care and knowledge necessary to take care of these patients.“

We have been enlightened greatly by this opportunity and  it has encouraged us to further investigate careers in these areas.