
Home & School Partnership

Here at  St Mary’s College we value partnership with parents. This partnership and co-operation is for the benefit of each individual student. Contact between Home and School takes many forms

College Journal

Each student has a copy of the College Journal, which is used to record assignments, tests and important dates, as well as being a record of effort and progress for students, teachers and parents. The ‘yellow pages’ should be signed by parents each week.

Parent Teacher Meetings

These meetings are held at various stages throughout the year and afford teachers and parents an opportunity to discuss students’ progress.

Information Evenings

Information Meetings for each Year Group are held at appropriate times during the year to discuss issues relevant to the group. The Transition Year Information meeting is usually held in February.

Monthly Reports

During the year, parents/guardians will receive Reports after each set of tests/exams. Reports include test/exam results and teacher comments.

Annual Events

Parents/Guardians of students involved are invited to attend the First Year Mass, the TY Graduation Evening, The Sixth Year Graduation and Awards Night.